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It's great to be poor

I heard it again and again during council’s three day deliberations on this year’s municipal budget.These are tough times.

Halibut Task Force extends thanks

The Town Hall Meeting was a huge success due to the efforts of everyone involved. I am especially proud of all the members of the Kitimat Halibut Allocation Task Force.

Commercial fisherman explains what her job entails

I want to tell you about a day in my life as a commercial fisher. My day starts way before we are on the water at the fishing grounds. It starts on the first day of the season when we meet with the Archipelago (contracted by DFO).

LETTER: What that social activist really said

B.C. VIEWS: Time to enrich poverty debate

B.C. VIEWS: Time to enrich poverty debate

The good old days

Having covered Kitimat Health Advocacy Group meetings, I can’t help admiring the members’ dedication and determination when it comes to protecting health care in this community.

A ferry strange idea

Re: the proposed ferry system for Kitimat and coastal villages, I and many others have some “little” questions to which I am sure there are some perfectly logical answers that the public would like to hear.

Halibut only the beginning

The stakes just got higher! In Fisheries minister Shea’s announcement, DFO has initiated a pilot program which will require recreational anglers to buy allocation from one of the 436 Halibut Allocation Holders in order to fish for halibut after we consume the 12 per cent allocation in 2011.

Who's the happiest of them all?

My Mother used to tell me I was “incredible”, that I would argue black was white.

Mayor asks Harper to re-examine halibut quotas

It has come to the attention of the council of the District of Kitimat that the allocation of the pacific halibut resource to the sport fishing sector is inadequate to provide the type of sport fishing opportunities necessary to maintain and grow a sport fishing industry in the Pacific North Coast region areas of British Columbia.