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Our Town

Rio Tinto data records show low SO2 levels

Rio Tinto BC Operations shows low SO2 emissions in the Kitimat area

Increased SO2 emissions a major issue

An open letter to Kitimat mayor Phil Germuth regarding Rio Tinto Kitimat and Increased SO2 emissions and Refusal to install Scrubbers.
All about family

All about family

Joe and Anne Slanina celebrate 60 years of marriage in Kitimat

Winterfest back under new name in Kitimat

Storytellers, live music and a delicious brunch is part of this year's Franco-fun Festival in Kitimat.
Good deeds get noticed for Kitimat Supper Club founder

Good deeds get noticed for Kitimat Supper Club founder

Kitimat's Supper Club leader has received recognition for her work in the community, and her award benefits the Food Bank.

Rail Jam to go ahead January 29 in Kitimat

The event is back after years of cancellations due to lack of snow.

Kitimat's fireworks bylaws under discussion

Some residents feel the laws about fireworks in the community are too lax.

Kitimat council begin budget considerations, look towards a 3% tax raise

Kitimat council have begun the process of working out a budget for the near year, keeping to a 3% tax rate increase.

Kitimat's Economic Development office tests waters of diversifying with technology sector

The District of Kitimat is looking at ways the community could potentially attract technology companies.

Bonspiels happening this weekend in Kitimat

Two big bonspiels are being hosted in Kitimat this coming weekend.