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Many competing voices

Revelation 3:20: “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” If I knew that I was going to die tomorrow and this was my last chance to tell you something, I would tell you a three things.

By Pastor Clint Magnus


Revelation 3:20: “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”

If I knew that I was going to die tomorrow and this was my last chance to tell you something, I would tell you a three things.

First, I would tell you about how I came to faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.

I grew up in a Christian home in Saskatchewan, but as many young people do, I thought I was bulletproof and didn’t respond to God’s call.

I had God’s promises in my head, but I did not have Jesus in my heart. I knew about God, but I did not have a personal relationship with Him.

I had sunk myself into my work, growing a construction company in Calgary; I had a wonderful family and friends; we had 4 acres of land outside of Calgary…but there was still something missing in my life.

I had all anyone in this world could want, but my life was still empty; I didn’t have the thing I needed the most.

That all changed one day as I was driving along a country road near Strathmore when the Holy Spirit hit me over the head, convicting me of the gravity of my sin and my eternal peril.

I pulled over to the side of the road and began shaking. It was there on that dusty side road that God showed me my need to have Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. It was there that I began to shake and sob and asked God to forgive me for all the selfish, terrible things I had done in my life…and it was there that God reached down with His grace and mercy and scooped me up in arms, forgave me on account of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and my new life as a redeemed child of God began.

The second thing I would tell you is that as I left that place the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders. I had been given a clean slate - a do over you might say - a new person with a new identity and a new home.

My mailing address was still the acreage, but my new home is now in heaven, the place where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for me and for all those whose faith and trust is in Him.

This changes everything.

And so the last thing I would tell you is that you can have this in your life too. No matter what you have done in your life, Jesus stands at the door of your heart ready, willing and able to forgive you and welcome you into an eternal relationship with Him as well.

If this was the last thing I ever had to say to you, I would make an urgent appeal to you to respond to this call before it is too late.

Friends, there are many voices competing for your attention today, but there is only one voice that loves you so much that He gave His life on a cross so that you could live with Him forever in heaven.

Jesus Christ stands at the door of your heart knocking. Will you receive Him into you heart today?
