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Kudos, and not-so-kudos

- Roma Burnett
One of the District of Kitimat’s flower beds. (Photo by Marie Sasseville)

Dear Editor,

Well folks, it’s spring and I have been busy trying to keep up with the garden weeds and mowing the lawn, but now it’s raining so have a bit of time with some thoughts.

OMG you say – yup I’m back.

Kudos first: Thank you to the snowblower person (have to be politically correct) for not using our shrub protection for target practice this winter. This person is a keeper – he or she must be a gardener!

How great the gardens around the community are looking – I wish I could “borrow” you for a day. However, I will keep plugging away with my helper (husband).

The people mowing community lawns also should be thanked. No people, this is not a waste of our tax dollars as some think – even some councillors!

I must thank the District for the dog park – it is being well used (yes, we still drive around to see what’s happening in the community).

The pet owners appear to be more responsible, as most have their pets on leashes lately. Thank you for keeping your pets safe.

Also, thank you to the District for the kids’ parks. I have heard “via the grapevine” that the momma bears take their babies to them so they can play on some of the equipment.

How wonderful, as there are never any kids there anyway so someone should use the equipment.

I have yet to see a momma bear with a cell phone strapped to their ear – at least they watch their babies all the time.

Thank you to the people who have painted the crosswalks around town.

The big white areas are much easier to see so hopefully the people on their cell phones will have more time to slow down.

Thank you also to the refuse collectors for their hard work and their smiles, even when having to deal with all our smelly stuff every week.

Now some not-so-kudos:

I listened to a council meeting not long ago where there was a discussion about the revitalization of the downtown area.

Sounds interesting, but why bother, because as you leave upper-level City Center you look across to a gravel pit.

Guess it’s the new norm – every city should have one so visitors can see how our District cares about first impressions.

Yes, I’m sure there will be many excuses as to why it’s there.

Radley Park was also discussed at this meeting – $80,000 was budgeted for the area. Now just imagine what could have been done with the $300,000 spent on a playground in Cable Car. Even the bears don’t play in it!

Just as a matter of interest, I wonder what is accomplished at council meetings that go way over time and are not for the public to hear?

It is a well-known fact that adult brains can only function for so many hours at a time before they are completely befuddled! I hope they all bring a snack to keep their blood sugars up.

It is all very nice to make comments on “wonderful meadows, beautiful flowers, berries on the trees for the birds and bears” but not at the expense of having meetings go on and on. Yes, it is a lovely picture but enough already.

And yes, all councillors should have a say but not for hours on end.

I wonder where the new bylaw officer is? Some nuisance properties have been under discussion for nine years now and they still look the same. Guess there are still lots of excuses for this problem but no solutions.

During this long council meeting I didn’t hear a word about the taxi crisis.

This is a very important issue – and at a time when drinking and driving is being seriously enforced, you’d think this would be a priority for the DOK, to help those who wish to comply.

All the above are my thoughts and observations and some other taxpayers, so don’t get your knickers in a knot!

My final words:

“Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes – that would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head, that’ll freak you right out”.

Keep smiling

I’m watching and listening,

Roma Burnett

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