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Gas supply fear unfounded

Re: LNG exports threaten energy security (Northern Sentinel, December 28)....

Dear sir,

Re: LNG exports threaten energy security (Northern Sentinel, December 28), with all due respect Mr. Hughes, top energy expert, is out to lunch about Canada’s gas reserves.

I know because I work for a gas company in the Environmental Health & Safety department.

The gas reserves in the North east corner of BC alone can supply Canada at the current rate of production for the next 100 years.

The gas fields of the MacKenzie Valley have never been tapped and there are 20,000 wells there capped and ready to begin a tie-in if that pipeline is ever built.

One well alone near Norman Wells saw the highest volume and pressure ever recorded in Canada.

Your grandchildren will have gray hair before the idea of depletion becomes worthy of real discussion.

As for alternative energy sources, sure that will eventually happen, but not tomorrow or the next day. Dalton McGuinty in Ontario is being excoriated by the media there because of  the waste of money on alternative schemes.

In McGuinty-land people must now run dishwashers and washing machines between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. or else pay double for the electricity.

In Britain people have been told that brownouts will be a fact of life when 30 per cent of the electricity starts coming from unreliable wind farms this year.

Mr. Hughes joins the list of peak energy doomsayers who were first wrong back in the 1970’s and are still wrong today.

Don MacDonald,
