Number: 2023-15 Visitor Information Center and Tourism Services
Notice is hereby given by the District of Kitimat (‘the District’) of its intent to contract with the following Service Provider for Visitor Information Centre and Tourism Services:
Kitimat Chamber of Commerce
2109 Forest Avenue
Kitimat, BC V8C 2G7
T (250) 632-6294
Full details of the scope of this contract can be viewed at
In the event that no other qualified service providers come forward with a Statement of Capabilities meeting the requirements outlined in this Notice of Intent (NOI) before the Closing Date/Time, the contract may be direct awarded to the pre-selected service provider.
Responses should be delivered by hand, regular mail, or email to the following location before 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time on November 17th, 2023, and should quote NOI Number DOK2023-15:
District of Kitimat
Purchasing Department
270 City Centre
Kitimat, BC V8C 2H7
Contact Person:
Ronald Rich
Purchasing Manager