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Possibly contaminated seafood sold from a Port Hardy distributor

The BC Centre for Disease Control is warning people about possible contamination of seafood which was sold from a distributor in Port Hardy.

Mountain Co-Op makes pitch for another $15,000 from Kitimat Council

The group which runs Shames Mountain is asking for a continuation of Kitimat's $15,000 operational grant for the ski hill next year.

No mail to Kitimat's Farrow Street until solution found for problem dog

A possible solution has been put together but Canada Post has not yet been presented with it yet.

Council told to keep town heritage through walkways

Residents continue to rally to keep intact Kitimat's famous walkways.

Scott back as Kitimat rep to regional district

Kitimat Council held it's own election to decide their regional district of Kitimat Stikine representative.

Overcharged payday loans will be refunded to customers

Refund process to begin December 11 for people overcharged for loans.
SuperValu fundraiser in Kitimat going well

SuperValu fundraiser in Kitimat going well

Kitimat residents rally behind a person who was hurt in a recent car accident.

Kitimat SuperValu holding fundraiser for crash victim

Co-workers at SuperValu are rallying around a victim from last night's fiery crash just outside Kitimat.
Crash victim pulled from burning car by good samaritans

Crash victim pulled from burning car by good samaritans

A major car accident closed Highway 37S last night about 20km outside of Kitimat.

Man shot in Stikine Street home in Kitimat

Man treated with minor injuries in Kitimat after a single gun shot caused a head wound.