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New regulations set to address uncertainty for projects on Haisla territory

A new set of regulations aims to soothe the uncertainty regarding regulations as they apply to reserve lands, at least on Haisla territory.

BC LNG steps forward with contract awards

BC LNG Export Co-Operative, LLC announced that it has finalized contract awards for both Feed Gas Supply and LNG Purchase and Off-take.

College pleased to have Kitimat council join campus

John Ross with NWCC is pleased to see Kitimat Council has chosen the Kitimat campus to hold council meetings.

Kitimat Council sets eyes on college for new meeting space

Kitimat councillors have voted to move their council meetings to a classroom at the Northwest Community College.

Councillors ask for more information following escort service application

Councillors want more information on how escort service bylaws were handled in other communities as they face the question in Kitimat.

Property sales, value up in 2012

The BC Northern Real Estate Board is showing an overall increase in the value of home sales in 2012 for the Northwest region.

Escort service bylaws to be tackled by Kitimat councillors

Kitimat councillors will be addressing the possibility of amending the Kitimat Code to address escort services.

Northwest training plan released

A document to guide policies on workforce training for the Northwest has been released after a year of work.

Training plan for Northwest released

A group operating under the banner of the Northwest Regional Workforce Table has completed their Regional Skills Training Plan.

Family dog rescued on New Year's Day

A family dog lives to see another day after a daring rescue on Hirsch Creek in Kitimat.