Kitimat council passed a motion that would see them update the policy regarding flying flags at the fire hall including flying new flags.
The amendment presented includes flying the rainbow flag for the month of June.
“This is getting to be very difficult, we have the Ukrainian flag there right now who knows what kind of request we’re going to get tomorrow,” said Councillor Mario Feldhoff. “I think the Portuguese flag, we should honour that, that’s just my sentiment, I don’t want to start seeing other flags pulled down.”
Currently, the District of Kitimat policy outlines the Luso-Canadian Association Flag as having standing approval from council. Standing approval means the flag can be flown without needing council approval every time. Under the proposed new amendment the Luso-Canadian Association Flag would be updated to the Portuguese Flag.
June is both Pride Month and Portuguese Heritage month meaning both the flags will go up and some point but there is only one available pole to accommodate them.
“Another flag pole has been approved to be raised at the fire hall which will hopefully have relief in some of these instances,” said Councillor Terry Marleau.
Right now the Canadian flag, B.C. flag and District of Kitimat flag are the three that fly year-round on the poles. However, when a guest flag, such as the Ukrainian flag, is requested to fly then the District flag is brought down.
All flag requests are to be submitted to council for consideration with the exception of, the Remembrance Day flag, the Luso-Canadian association flag, and the B.C. lung association flag.
When the fourth pole is installed it would mean the three flags that normally fly will not have to be swapped out but the fourth pole will handle any guest flags. The last time the District received new flag poles was back in 2019.
The Ukrainian flag will have to come down for most of the month of June however, Tamitik Arena has lights glowing in the same colour as the flag to show support.
Of note, once the fourth pole is installed the policy will have to come back again to council to be changed.
After some discussion, an amendment to the motion was made that would also include the flying of the Filipino flag during the month of June.
The amendment was passed and ultimately the motion to update the policy and fly the rainbow flag during June was passed.