JGC Fluor has planted its last pile for phase one of the plant piling program at LNG Canada.
The piles serve as a foundation to secure the stability of the LNG processing modules and other permanent infrastructure.
To celebrate, the last pile had custom art from LNG Canada workers on it. The art-recognized the work the construction team, the prime contractor, JGC Fluor, and the subcontractor, Soletanche Bachy Canada, put into the project.
With a total of 6,843 piles driven into the ground, the program began in January 2020. The last pile was shipped to LNG Canada on March 17th, 2021, and installed on April 20th, 2021.
“Some people said these piling couldn’t be done, but they were done safely and on time,” Ian Swanbeck, deputy construction director at JFJV said in a video posted on JFJV Kitimat Facebook page.
“It’s a transition point when the plant boundaries become defined in the above grade visible permanent structure starts to take shape; despite the rain, flooding, snow, and COVID, the SBC team did the work that required technical specifications productively, on or ahead of scheduling and most importantly safely,” Berni Molz, construction director of JFJV said in a video posted on the JFJV Kitimat Facebook page.
Varying in size, the piles range from 0.4 metres to 1.5 metres in diameter and were driven approximately 43 metres deep into the earth.
Though the bulk of the piling project is complete for now, some piling will still occur in other areas of the project, including the new river intake pumphouse and the marine terminal.
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