The District of Kitimat is calling for volunteers to fill positions on three advisory committees that help shape policy and decision-making in the community.
Council is seeking two members for the Advisory Planning Commission, two for the Leisure Services Advisory Commission, and one for the Housing Committee.
Advisory commissions provide input on key issues affecting Kitimat.
The Advisory Planning Commission meets as needed to review community development, land use policies, and development applications. Members work with professional planners and consider public input before making recommendations to council.
The Leisure Services Advisory Commission meets monthly from September to June to discuss recreational needs and priorities. Members make recommendations to council and the Leisure Services Department on policy changes and major expenditures that could improve community facilities and programming.
A multi-family landlord is also needed for the Housing Committee, which advises council on housing needs, affordability, and policy development. The selected member must own and rent at least three dwelling units, such as apartments, rowhouses, or townhouses, in Kitimat. The committee meets twice a year or as needed and plays a role in promoting affordable and supportive housing.
The housing representative will serve a two-year term, with an option for an additional year.