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Take a trip to Old Vienna

The Kitimat Concert Association has brought us a wonderful season of concerts from a wide range of performers. From the outrageously funny Lorne Elliott to the visual extravaganza of CORBiAN, from the sophisticated piano renderings of Teresa Walters to the celtic romp with April Verch and the contemporary dance stylings of 605 Collective and The Response.

Experience the Magic

For centuries, the music of Ireland has captured the hearts and imagination of not only Irish natives, but countless people around the globe with its mystical sound and enchanting melodies.

Daffodils to bloom next week

Want to see cancer beaten?

Task force finds study money

The mayor’s task force on housing has found some money for a feasibility study.

Young scientists shine

Elementary students in Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Terrace participated in The Northwest Science Fair Extravaganza 2011 organized by the local non-profit Northwest Science and Innovation Society (NSIS).

DARE students graduate

The grade 5 students from Kitimat’s elementary schools have celebrated their graduation from the DARE program.

Meal for wheels

The local Masons are going to be cooking up a storm once again on Friday, March 25.

Coming Events for Kitimat

Thursday, March 17 ART CLUB of Kitimat meets at 7 p.m. in Room 403 at MESS. Night scenes - bring watercolour supplies and photos. For more info contact Eileen at 250-632-2423 or Penny at 250-632-3428.

Multicultural cuisine ahead

In mid-summer there is no question Canada Day’s International Food Fair is a culinary highlight.

Coming events in Kitimat

Monday, March 14 CHRIST THE KING parish bereavement ministry committee is sponsoring ‘Connecting Each Other with Hope”, a grief support group for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. The sessions run Mondays, 7-9 p.m. in the Catholic church hall until April 11. An opportunity to learn and reflect together with people who understand, know and care what a journey with grief is like. The sessions are open to everyone, regardless of their religious affiliation.