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Lemonade aids Children's Hospital

Three girls from Haisla Nation took it upon themselves to raise money for BC Children’s Hospital.

Renovation progressing nicely

The MESS. PAC (Parent Advisory Council) is heading up the Mult-Purpose Court Renovation project which includes a full hockey court, basketball court, mini basketball court and 1 tennis court which can be converted to another hockey court.

One of Spring's first flowers creates a stink

Believe it or not, our Spring is almost over.

All aboard the Big Bike

The Big Bike is back two weeks from now.

Iannarelli honoured

Joe Iannarelli has been posthumously recognised with an Award of Merit from the BC Recreation and Parks Association.

Strike up the bands, the Arts Fest cometh

Kitimat has long had a strong arts community. But this year all facets of that broad community are coming together for the inaugural Kitimat Arts Festival.

Kitimat Coming Events

Here's a friendly sale

Looking for some light reading that’s light on your pocket too?

Foundation will maximise your generosity

Are you interested in helping to make the Kitimat Community Foundation a success?

Withstanding the test

The second annual Northern Branch APEGBC Popsicle Stick Bridge Building competition was held on Saturday April 30 at Mount Elizabeth Secondary.