What a success.
It started out as a fund raising plan for the “Snowflake Open”, an annual dart tournament held the third weekend in September each year.
We found out there was no booking for New Years’s Eve at the Legion #250 hall, and decided to have a “pot-luck” get together, just a bunch of friends.
We decided to ask everyone to bring a dish and pay a $10 fee to cover rental fees and the balance would go towards the tournament.
As word got out, we realized there was a lot of interest and decided to go the distance with a liquor licence, tickets and a money bar.
We printed 150 tickets, but soon realized we could have sold many more. The Legion then donated the hall rental and we found many volunteers to help out with all aspects of the “party”.
We knew our profits were going to exceed the $500 we had hoped to raise and decided there were other entities that should benefit from this event as well.
In the end, we decided to donate $500 back to the Legion - it donates the hall to our tournament each year - but mostly we decided to donate to a cause close to home, the Kitimat Food Bank.
As a result, they received an $800 donation.
The “Snowflake Open” received $512.33 for their efforts which will be paid out at the tournament in September.
Thank you to everyone who brought food which drew comments like, “Better food would not have been served had the party been catered!”, “Wow! Excellent food” and “Good enough to feed the Queen”.
Thank you also to the many volunteers who helped out before, during and after the “New Year’s Bash”.
Special thanks to Jacqui Meyer, Pat Whelan; Judy Samuel and Stephen Ong bartenders; Debra Veenboer for decorations; and especially Linda Lewis for all her leg-work, kitchen duties, and much, much more.