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Missing out on events in the community?

Register for our online diary and stay informed

Are you missing out on local events, or having to skip one to attend another event booked at the same time?

The Northern Sentinel has introduced a free, fully-automated online diary that anyone can contribute towards. The diary allows users to subscribe and will send reminder notifications via email once a week.

The online diary also allows users to integrate the online diary with their personal electronic calendars, so you will automatically be updated on events happening in the District.

The event submission process is very simple – just click on the Calendar link on our website to see the calendar. To go straight to submitting your event, click on Add an event and send – it’s that simple! Alternatively, let us know about your event through our Facebook page.

All event submissions will be checked by staff before being added to the calendar in order to keep spam out.

To have your event featured on the diary:

* the event must not charge an entry fee

* the event may not involve a marketing pitch selling a product (eg timeshare)

* the event must be relevant to readers in Kitimat/Kitamaat Village

Annual General Meeting (AGM) notices carry a nominal charge which must be paid before the AGM notice appears in the events diary.

The online diary entries automatically appear on the calendars of all Black Press publications in the province, so your message is seen outside of the district.

What’s more, you will also be able to browse events happening outside the district, like a monthly open-mic coffeehouse in Burns Lake, or the prenatal drop-in classes at the Lakes District Hospital.

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