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Northern Gateway pipeline vital

Re: Supporters outnumber opponents (Northern Sentinel, January 11), I support the pipeline.

Dear sir,

Re: Supporters outnumber opponents (Northern Sentinel, January 11), I support the pipeline.

Canadian families need jobs. The oilsands are ethical oil. Buying oil from the Middle East supports terrorism.

The pipeline is vital. Want to see what a place looks like when the economy tanks? Look at Detroit. Some entire neighbourhoods are like ghost towns.

I have no sympathy for those self centred individuals like Susuki/Gore who only think of themselves and their fame.

We need jobs from mining, oilsands, logging etc. I want a future full of hope for all.

I could care less about being “cool”. Just look at Aesop’s fable called “The Emperor’s New Clothes” for a lesson on “cool”.

Enough of this ridiculous Susuki/Gore nonsense!

Arlene Pickel,

