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Canada should learn from the history of colonialism

Is Canada being turned into a colony of China to be exploited?

Dear sir,

Is Canada being turned into a colony of China to be exploited?

Recent deals made by prime minister Stephen Harper, premier Redford of Alberta and remarks by BC Energy minister Rich Coleman certainly point in that direction.

When Canada’s exports are mainly raw materials and trees, minerals, to a greater and greater degree petroleum products, and even fish, are shipped offshore in an unprocessed state  with unprecedented and accelerated speed, is that not ill considered or even treasonous?

According  to media reports, Canada has lost more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs in Ontario, Quebec and Kitimat over the last few years. While China is creating jobs in their country with our raw materials.

I find it hard to understand how Canadians can be so concerned over the North American Free Trade Agreement with the USA which stipulates that should we start selling them water, that we are not allowed to stop or the lawyers will get involved.

What do our politicians think the Chinese will do if we try to shut off the pipeline in the future so we can use the oil for ourselves?

If you are naïve enough to think they play fair or by the same set of rules we feel bound by, look around the third world for lots of evidence of the Chinese government’s recent history of deceit, deception and strong arm tactics in pushing their agenda.

We should learn from history, and the history of colonialism. The latest lessons should come from the situations in Central and South America where American-based multi-national corporations destroyed democracies, pillaged countries of natural resources, and killed thousands of people with the help of the CIA and the US government.

Read Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine” for a lesson in colonialism as practised by the USA and the multi-national corporations to uncover its devastating effects.

Clearly it has happened before so we should not be surprised.   How was the British Empire of old created? By subjugating entire nations and races. One big difference, they waged battles - we give our land and our resources away!

Closer to home, in North America they used biological warfare (disease ridden blankets) to decimate the aboriginal peoples to the point where they could take whatever they wanted.

The big questions: are we going to allow our “leaders” to keep signing legal contracts which lay the groundwork for the willful destruction of our country, or are we going to fight back?


Dieter Wagner.